Mothers Day for cash strapped “Adult” Children!
I read somewhere recently that it takes most people around mid March to get their finances back on track from the madness that is Christmas! So is it a tragic coincidence or a sick Universe that decided to have Mothers Day fall at the end of March?
However, we at Electric Zoo are not only experts in Children’s and Corporate Entertainment, we are experts in treating our Mothers on a budget. And yes, I hear what you’re saying, as Adults we should be at a stage in our lives where we have enough money to not have to budget, especially when it comes to our Mothers. But nasty things like mortgages, rent, car insurance and a social life conspire against us.

So here is 3 top gifting ideas for “Adult” children on a shoestring…
Nothing says I love you more than a photograph of you and your Mammy.
Please be aware that this gift idea comes with a warning…pick a photo where BOTH of you look good! Remember it’s not all about you! Go to any chemist and print out said photo and get them to laminate it for you. So far you’ve probably spent €2/€3 – right!? Now, here’s the best bit, go to THAT kitchen drawer, you know the one, where all the crap gets dumped. Or as I like to call it, the drawer where “Fridge Magnets go to die”. Find the latest casualty and pick off the magnet. With super glue stick the magnet onto the back of your laminate and hey presto! You’ve got a personalised Fridge Magnet of you and your Mam! If at this stage you have glued your fingers together it is beneficial, as you are peeling away a layer of epidermis from your thumb, to remember the pain your Mother went through bringing you into the world.

a new lease of Life!
Nothing says I love you more than the gift of Time
By this I don’t mean “doing time”…that’s a whole other blog! But at the risk of getting maudlin – our Mammies will not be around forever so making memories is what it’s all about! This can genuinely cost nothing. Are you forever dashing in and out of your Mams house saying, “I can’t stay long…!”? Why not set some time aside and stay long! Have the chats over a cuppa – and YOU make the cuppa!
Alternatively, if the funds can be stretched a little, why not treat her to Afternoon Tea? And yes, I know some places, particularly in Dublin, can charge a fortune for this. But I found an absolute gem of a place. Gallaher & Co. Bistro on D’Olier Street. They do Afternoon Tea for €29 per person that includes a Cocktail! Bargain! And if served by the dishy (my Mothers word), manager Cian – Bonus! At this point, it is hugely beneficial to remind yourself constantly of all the times you embarrassed your Mother growing up; as she openly flirts with afore mentioned “Dishy Cian” – as he is now known in our house.
Lastly, and again if funds can stretch a bit, how about a Matinee live show? You can get some really good prices for the afternoon performances. One of our favourite theatres is Smock Alley in Temple Bar which is currently showing some really interesting plays by Jimmy Murphy. His latest The Seamster’s Daughter (perfect theme for Mothers Day, see what we did there?) is on sale today with the bargain price of 2 tickets for €20, Monday – Wednesday. Hurry though, that offer ends by end of day today!
We would love to hear your opinion on any of the above, especially if you and your Mam enjoy any of them. Have no fear that we have ruined any surprises for our Mams this Mothers Day. They are proud of us but not proud enough to figure out reading our Blog! Obvs! They are Irish Mammies after all!
We would like to finish by taking the opportunity to Thank all the wonderful Irish Electric Zoo Mammies who 9 times out of 10 are the one’s to book us for their Children’s Birthday Parties and other Events!
We think you are Awesome! Happy Mothers Day to you all!