May is Crazy Communion Season
Has your household gone Communion Crazy!?

Here’s our top tips to help you “Keep Calm and Carry on!”
- Pick a child friendly venue. This might sound really obvious – but just because you a booking a “Communion Party” with your restaurant or function room – don’t assume they will be ok with your excited Child and their young guests bouncing off the walls! We would always recommend – where possible – you pick a venue that your are familiar with, one that you may even have some rapport with the staff.
- If you are planning to have entertainment or bring in suppliers please, please, please check that this is ok with your venue. Far too often, we have seen parents who have spent good money on hiring popcorn or candyfloss machines only to be told on the day that the Hotel etc. will not allow them. Here at Electric Zoo we always try to do a site visit before the event and touch base with the manager of the venue. We also have full Public Liability Insurance and can indemnify the venue if they wish.
- Again this might seem obvious but Kids are muck magnets. If you are planning on keeping your child in their Communion dress or suit for the whole day, invest in a loose fitting long sleeve shirt. This can be slipped over their outfit while they are having their dinner and will avoid you being on “baby wipe alert.” One that buttons up as opposed to pulling over their heads will also help keep their hair in check too!
- Don’t go overboard and over budget on the day. Remember it is their Communion day NOT their wedding! And trust us a Diva is not something you want to turn your child into at this tender age! Let them pick ONE form of entertainment that will suit all ages! And em, did we mention Electric Zoo is fun for ages 4 to 84?!

- Lastly, enjoy your day with Friends and Family, take a deep breath and go with the flow!
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